It’s 8am and my alarm clock shrills. I open my eyes however my brain does not wake up for at least another 10 minutes. When I finally emerge out of my sleepy fog, I pick up my phone and begin my morning browse through the social networks. First I check Facebook to see if anything eventful has happened with my friends in the midst of my slumber. After briefly browsing, I click the tiny blue icon and open myself up to the world of twitter. As I scrawl through my feed I become updated on world news and local news. It is my own digital newspaper separated into neat catagories. Lastly with a quick check of my gmail, my morning ritual is complete. This whole process takes no more then 5 minutes however in those few minutes I have acquired the same knowledge that I would receive watching the news for an hour. Social Networking is todays main form of communication. Everyday millions of people log onto Facebook and Twitter, post pictures and talk with friends, relatives, and business partners. Social Networking is no longer just for teeny boppers with self takes and college students putting up their drunken pictures from their weekend, it has become a way for professionals to connect and people to express them-selves. Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) is looking to shut down all social networking cites. Some affects of SOPA would be that “Social media sharing of photos, videos, music and written content could be shut down by shutting down the social networks that host the shared content. (and) “Blog syndication sites could be shut down by a single violation from one of their source feeds” (McTigue). This bill is ill-constructed and punishes the general public instead of actual copyright violators. This bill will cripple a large amount of people and businesses as well as allowing blogs such as this to be removed. In theory the idea of SOPA and PIPA are beneficial. People who Pirate material should have consequences, however these bills do not protect from these people, they are hurting people such as small businesses owners who use social media to advertise and promote themselves.

The Potential Impact of SOPA/PIPA on Content Marketing

Image: Worst Thing About Censorship